Want Longevity? Lets, Dog Adoption!

Speaking of longevity, a study reveals that keeping a dog can make a person's lifetime longer. For 12 years, this study undertook a study of 3.4 million Swedes.

Researchers report that people who keep dogs are likely to die of heart disease or other illnesses are 11 percent less likely, than those who do not keep dogs. However, this study can not prove the cause and effect of why a person is longer.

However, researchers say there are many reasons why dogs can make the body healthier. "We know that dog keepers generally have higher levels of physical activity. This could be one explanation of the observations, "said Tove Fall, a professor of epidemiology at Uppsala University.

Fall added that in a person's body there are trillions of bacterial microbiomes that help maintain a person's health. From social contact and the happiness of the dog keeper, microbiom bacteria will work.

In line with this, experts in the United States also agreed with the findings made.

"Stress can be overcome through friendship (between dogs and humans) which can ultimately affect overall health. So it is not surprising that dog owners show lower risk of heart disease, "said dr. Satjit Bhusri, a cardiologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.

Meanwhile, a study in China found that those who have dogs have better sleep quality at night and are rarely affected by the disease. Thus, dog keepers have lower cholesterol levels and are more likely to survive a heart attack.

Not only is the physical condition impacted by the maintenance of the dog. A study shows that people who interact with pets at work have lower stress levels.

While people who do not carry pets have an increasing level of stress, over time.

In fact, in just 15 minutes a pet is proven to reduce stress and improve your mood. Playing with pets helps increase levels of serotonin and dopamine in the body that cause feelings of happiness.

In addition to making longevity, regardless of the health benefits you get, keeping a dog can also give a deeper meaning to life. Dogs can teach you about love, loyalty and friendship. The presence of a dog enters into your life provides far greater benefits than its negative potential.

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