Even though it looks trivial, the handrails made with the couple turn out to bring benefits. Physical touches such as holding hands have benefits for physical and mental health. Even with holding hands, stress levels can decrease.
Physical interaction between lovers is not just an intimate relationship. In addition to handrails, hugging, and kissing can also have a positive effect. Here are some of the good effects of health grip:
Calming effect
A study of dozens of married couples in their 30s with a happy marriage life category, was carried out to prove this. The wife was given a test in the form of a mild electric shock on the ankle and monitored to see a warning of a sting and her reaction to brain activity.
When the notification was given to the wives that they would be electrocuted, there was an increase in brain activity through examination using fMRI (functional MRI). However, when the wives were electrocuted while holding her husband's hand, then the picture of activity in their brain seemed calmer.
The same thing is seen in toddlers, when children are restless and restless, the little one will seek physical touch from their parents or caregivers. When a child gets a physical touch, such as a hand grip from his parents, he will feel calm. Then slowly the stress and anxiety will disappear, and your child feels more comfortable.
Relieve Stress
The hand grip can slow the heart rate, lower blood pressure, and reduce the production of stress hormones. This is because at the moment when there is physical contact with a loved one, the body will produce more brain chemicals called serotonin which causes happiness, and reduces the production of cortisol which is a stress hormone. As a result, the tension and stress felt reduced because they feel more relaxed.
The hand grip not only strengthens the bond with a partner, but in a long-term marriage relationship, this contributes positively to physical and mental health. The reason, when touching each other, the body experiences an increase in the hormone oxytocin (love hormone) which helps maintain a feeling of deep attachment.
Increase body resistance
As a result of decreased stress levels, research shows that hand grips will also help increase endurance. Chronic stress can interfere with brain function that regulates the immune system.
When you are stressed, the hormone cortisol is released so you are more prone to falling ill or feeling pain. Conversely, when stress levels fall, the body will be better able to fight infection and pain.
One proof is through research on 22 couples, whose wife was giving birth. When the husband holds the wife's hand, the pain experienced by the wife decreases. Even the study also found that their breathing rhythm and heart rate became the same.
Maintaining harmony with a partner is very important. Expressing affection for couples with simple actions, such as handrails, is proven to reduce stress. Complete using your vacation time together, so that your relationship is more harmonious.
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