This Easy Tips to Make Hair Healthy and Thick

Healthy hair, thick, and easy to set would be the dream of many people. As an asset that supports performance, hair problems of any kind often make people unconfident. Starting from the problem of thin hair to oily hair.

Actually, the secret of healthy hair is quite simple. Healthy hair is determined from the foods you eat, the natural oils on your scalp, and what products you use on your hair. Here are some tips for getting stunning hair.

1. Do not let your hair dry too

Many people think oily hair is a bad thing. However, the scalp producing the oil glands is essentially something good. "Sebum (oil gland) is good for hair because it keeps the scalp soft," said dr. Janet Prystowsky, an experienced dermatologist based in New York.

However, dr. Prystowsky confirmed that excess sebum production makes you more susceptible to infections and thick scales, all of which can make hair fall out. If your hair is not too oily, rinse it simply, as it will keep the natural oils without drying the scalp.

2. Focus on food, not supplements

A balanced diet with adequate amounts of vegetables, protein and fruit are the things you need to keep your hair healthy and thick.

According to dr. Prystowsky, vegetarian and vegan should be proactive to their protein intake to compensate for the lack of protein intake from meat. Protein is essential for stronger hair.

3. Avoid too often using shampoo

Shampooing should not be done too often. Just do it when your hair and scalp are very oily.

Too often using shampoo can make hair dry and remove natural oils on the skin. The ideal shampoo is at least two to three times a week.

4. Apply orange juice to the hair

Orange juice is one of the best things that can make your hair thick and fresh. In addition, oranges are also believed to be useful to overcome dandruff.

How to apply it: slice the orange and put it into the blender until smooth. Apply a soft orange to your hair. Let stand for thirty minutes, then just rinsed. Do this activity once a week to make hair thicker.

5. Take advantage of coconut oil

Do not forget coconut oil if you want to get thick hair. The protein contained in coconut oil is responsible for making hair stronger, just like the protein in the eggs is good for treating thin hair. Do a little massage on the scalp when giving oil.

It would be better if the head is covered with a hot towel. A hot towel ensures that coconut oil stays hot while piercing the hair shaft. Leave for thirty minutes, then rinse and wash with shampoo. This method can be repeated several times.

Well, that's some tips you can do to get healthy and thick hair. Easy and no need to drain the wallet. Let your hair become one of the keys to the charm and passion of your days!

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