Electromagnetic waves and radiation rays are widely used as a method of treatment, as well as for examination. One type of ray that is quite widely used in the medical world is gamma rays.
Gamma rays can come from natural sources such as radon gas, which is a natural radioactive element on earth and space. However, gamma rays can also be made by humans using special machines and radioactive materials, such as polonium, radium, cobalt, and iridium.
Gamma rays are commonly used as nuclear power plants. However, besides that, gamma rays are also quite often used in the medical world.
Benefits of Gamma Rays for Health
The following are some of the benefits of gamma rays in the medical or health fields:
Cancer treatment
Gamma rays can be used as radiotherapy or radiation therapy for cancer. Exposure to these rays can cause damage to the DNA of cancer cells, thus inhibiting the growth and spread of cancer cells.
However, the use of gamma rays must be done carefully and directed precisely to the area of the body to be treated. If not, gamma rays can also damage healthy body cells.
Brain and nerve surgery procedures
One method of therapy using gamma rays which is now quite widely done is the gamma knife surgery method. Although called a knife, this method does not require any incisions.
Gamma knife surgery is done by directing gamma ray radiation to the area of the tumor or cancer cells that grow in brain tissue to kill the abnormal tissue.
In addition to treating brain tumors, gamma ray surgery can also be used to treat other disorders of the nerve and brain, such as venous artery malformations or AVM and trigeminal neuralgia.
Compared to conventional brain surgery methods, this gamma ray surgical method has several advantages, namely minimizing the pain that appears, has a low risk of complications, and a faster postoperative recovery period.
Sterilization of medical equipment
Gamma rays can also be used to sterilize medical equipment. Compared to other methods, sterilization of medical equipment with gamma rays has several advantages, namely better and more effective gamma ray exposure in killing all types of viruses, bacteria and parasites.
Although it is quite effective, sterilization of medical equipment with gamma rays cannot be done to clean all kinds of medical devices, for example medical equipment that is made from polymer, because it can make the medical device damaged.
In addition to the above benefits, gamma rays can also be used to sterilize food by irradiating food. Food irradiation is the process of removing bacteria that have the potential to cause food poisoning. This process can also be used to preserve food.
Although it is quite common to do sterilization of packaging in the food industry. However, several studies have shown that consuming too much food that has been through the process of irradiation, might be bad for health. This process is thought to reduce the nutrient content in food.
Gamma rays do have benefits for humans. However, too often exposure to gamma rays is also not good for health. This is because long-term gamma ray exposure can cause several health problems, such as cancer.
Therefore, the use of technology that utilizes gamma rays is not recommended to be done too often in order to reduce these risks.
If you plan to undergo treatment using gamma rays, consult a doctor who treats you. The doctor will determine the best treatment step according to your condition.
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