Allergy or sensitivity is an excessive response of the immune system to certain substances or objects that are actually harmless. This condition is quite common in children.
The immune system or immune system is a collection of cells, tissues and organs that work together to protect the body from disease and infection. Normally, the immune system will only react when the body is exposed to harmful substances or microorganisms, such as viruses, bacteria, or parasites.
In children who suffer from allergies, their immune system is too sensitive so it can easily react to substances or objects that are actually harmless. These allergic reactions can cause children to experience allergic symptoms in the form of an itchy rash, sneezing, coughing, runny nose, itchy eyes, diarrhea, or even shortness of breath.
There are many factors that trigger allergies (allergens) in children. One of them is food. This makes children with food allergies unable to eat certain foods.
Reasons for the Increased Risk of Sensitivity in Children
Several studies have shown that basically every child has a risk of suffering from allergies. However, this risk can increase if the child is frequently exposed to dust or pollution, lives in a dirty environment, is overweight, or has frequent infections.
Not only that, the risk of a child suffering from allergies can also increase if the parents have allergies or sensitivities. If only one parent has allergies, the risk of the child suffering from sensitivity is about 30-50%. However, if both parents have allergies, the risk of the child suffering from sensitivity can reach 60-80%.
Although allergies can be inherited, it does not mean that children will have the same types of allergies as their parents. Substances that trigger a sensitivity reaction in children may be different from substances that trigger an allergic reaction in their parents.
Early Handling of Children at Risk of Allergies
Even though a child has a high enough risk of experiencing sensitivity, for example because his parents also suffer from allergies, it does not mean that this cannot be treated.
There are several ways that can be done to reduce the risk of children experiencing sensitivity, namely:
1. Introduce food allergy triggers early
According to research, early introduction of foods that often trigger allergic reactions, such as nuts, cow's milk, or fish, can reduce the risk of children developing allergies to these foods. However, it must be done in the right way and under the supervision of a doctor.
2. Keep the house clean
Dust or mites that trigger allergies will be easy to find in dirty parts of the house. Therefore, make sure the areas that are often occupied by children, such as the playroom, bedroom and bed, are kept clean.
3. Keep children away from cigarette smoke
Cigarette smoke not only makes children susceptible to allergies, but also a number of respiratory disorders, such as ARI and bronchitis. Therefore, if there are family members who smoke, ask them not to smoke in the house and clean themselves first when they want to be close to children.
4. Give exclusive breast milk
Breast milk contains many nutrients needed to support child development and strengthen the immune system. Therefore, exclusive breastfeeding for babies is highly recommended.
If you have difficulty breastfeeding or have certain conditions that prevent breastmilk from being fed to your little one, then you can give him formula milk.
One type of formula that you can choose if your child has a risk of sensitivity is a partially hydrolyzed formula (PHP) enriched with synbiotics, which is a combination of the FOS GOS prebiotic and the probiotic Bifidobacterium breve (B.breve).
Formula milk with this content has been clinically proven to reduce the risk of developing allergies in children.
Until now, allergies have not been cured. However, allergic reactions can be prevented and the symptoms can be controlled so as not to interfere with the child's health and development conditions.
If your little one is at risk for sensitivity, you can take him to the pediatrician for allergy tests. The purpose of this examination is to find out whether the child has allergies or is at risk of developing allergies, as well as to find out what triggers it.
By knowing the possibility of a child suffering from sensitivities and substances that trigger the sensitivity, parents can prevent children from health problems due to allergies, as well as the appearance of severe allergic reactions or anaphylaxis that can be fatal.
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