Benefits of Bananas for Body Health and Digestion

Ripe bananas are very delicious to eat. Behind the sweet taste, bananas also contain good nutrition for health. The benefits of various bananas can be easily obtained by consuming them regularly.

So much good is contained in a banana, the nutrients contained in bananas include carbohydrates, protein, manganese, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, fiber, potassium (potassium), and magnesium. With its various nutritional content, many benefits of bananas can be obtained by the body.

Benefits of Bananas for Body Health
Here is a series of banana benefits for your body's health.

  • As a good source of energy when doing physical activity or sports.
  • Helps the muscles move properly.
  • Helps regulate heart rate, blood pressure, and maintain heart health. Bananas can also help prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, and strokes.
  • Counteracting the effects of damage to cells and body tissues, the benefits of bananas are related to the antioxidant content of bananas.
  • Relieve the task of cleansing the blood by the kidneys.

Benefits of Bananas for Digestion
The benefits of bananas are also important for your digestion. Here are some benefits that can be obtained.
  • Are you having a stomach ache? Try to overcome it by eating bananas because one of the benefits can help alleviate digestive problems. The benefits of bananas that contain fiber and various nutrients, are very good for digestive health.
  • Suitable as a complement to diet programs. Bananas are fruits that contain fiber. Fiber foods can slow down the digestive process. As a result, you will feel full longer and make you eat less.
  • Overcoming constipation. Valid specifically for consumption of ripe bananas. But be careful because the effect will be reversed if you eat bananas that are still green or not ripe.
  • Immature bananas are the source of the essence of resistant starch, which is food for good bacteria in the large intestine, and thus improves the digestive system while maintaining the health of your digestive tract.
  • Research shows that a diet high in vegetables and fruits, including bananas, can reduce the risk of colon cancer. This is thought to be related to the fiber and antioxidant content of bananas.
How to Eat Banana Healthy
Mature bananas can be eaten directly or processed into various types of snack foods. According to experts, bananas can be a healthier snack that is healthier than biscuits.

But remember to avoid consuming it by frying, such as making fried bananas or molen bananas. Frying can change the benefits of bananas to be detrimental, because it risks losing their nutritional content and increasing saturated fat levels, which can cause you to get high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

So how do you process bananas so that the goodness in them can last?
  • Used as juice or smoothie. You can add low-fat milk, honey, and other fruits.
  • Mix banana slices with oatmeal. To be more nutritious, you can add other fruits or almonds.
  • Bananas that have been mashed can also be mixed into sponge cake batter. Besides being able to add flavor, your sponge cake can also be more nutritious.
  • Applying peanut butter to bananas can also be a healthy choice.
To get a row of banana benefits mentioned above, balance with a healthy lifestyle and eating bananas in a wise way.

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