Why You Should Postpone Current job Sick?

According to a survey conducted by NSF International, a quarter of Americans continue to work despite their unhealthy body condition. The survey also revealed that this is mostly done by men rather than women.

The main reason is because of the pressure at work. The survey found, as many as 25 percent of people feel boss wants them to keep working, no matter the situation. Meanwhile, the other 13 percent simply do not believe that their colleagues can keep everything smoothly without his presence.

Here are four reasons why you should leave office work while you're sick:

1. Virus can be rampant in the office

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the flu can spread to colleagues despite the distance between the table as far as 2 meters. Not only through the sneezing and coughing, the virus can also be transmitted through the equipment in the office. If you stay in work, then you risk making co-workers contracted the same disease.

2. More often sick

If you keep working while you're sick, it can make you sick in the future. A 2009 study found that people who keep working when sick more than six times a year are 74 percent more likely to be absent due to certain diseases later in life.

3. Company money out more

The work you do during sickness will not be the same as when you did in a healthy time. A study from Queens University in Canada shows, companies pay double the loss of productivity when a sick worker still runs its activities.

4. Body needs to rest

A study from the University of Pennsylvania shows, the body will feel more tired when ill. This happens because the cells in your body are under stress, which ultimately results in feelings of fatigue. This is a sign that all you need is rest. Staying home to rest is the best "cure" you can do.

So when you feel sick, the best advice is to postpone the job to get some rest. Or do you still want to work despite being sick?

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