Control Diabetes with a Lifestyle Change

For diabetics to eat foods that are not appropriate, can lead to increased blood sugar levels. Increased blood sugar levels can lead to health risks such as fatigue, dizziness, nerve damage, heart disease, blindness to decrease awareness.

To overcome this, diabetics are required to know several types of foods that are appropriate for consumption. In addition, applying the following lifestyle can help to keep your diabetes from getting worse:

1. Eat healthy

Eating healthy foods is very important for diabetics. The reason, what you eat affects your blood sugar. Focus on eating vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

In addition, choose milk and lean meats and limit foods high in sugar. Remember, that carbohydrates will turn into sugar, so pay attention to your daily carbohydrate intake.

2. Be active

If you are a less active person, then you should change this habit as soon as possible. Being active does not mean you have to go to the gym or hold a special exercise. Walking or riding a bike are some of the easiest ways you can do. Do all the activities that make you sweat and breathe a little harder.

An active lifestyle helps control diabetes by lowering blood sugar. It also lowers your chances of heart disease, stress as well as losing weight.

3. Routine check up

See a doctor at least twice a year. If diabetes is not treated properly, then your risk of heart disease getting bigger. So, from now on study the level of cholesterol, blood pressure, and A1c (average blood sugar for 3 months). In addition, visit also the foot doctor to check for problems such as leg ulcers and nerve damage.

4. Managing stress

When you are stressed, blood sugar levels will increase. While anxious, you may not be able to manage diabetes well. In general, people with diabetes sometimes forget to exercise, eat or drink drugs properly. Find ways to relieve stress through yoga or hobbies that calm you down.

5. Stop smoking

Diabetes makes you easy to have health problems like heart disease, eye diseases, stroke, kidney, vascular disease, nerve damage, and foot problems.

If you smoke, your risk of getting the disease is getting bigger. Smoking can also make sports more difficult. Consult your doctor about how to stop smoking the most appropriate.

6. Limit your intake of alcohol

The American Diabetes Association says that women should not drink more than one glass of alcohol a day and men are no more than two glasses. Alcohol can make your blood sugar to be high or too low. Check your blood sugar before you drink, and take steps to avoid lowering your blood sugar. If you use insulin or take medication for diabetes, eat while you are drinking alcohol.

From now on, change your lifestyle for the better. Thus, blood sugar levels will be stable and avoid diabetes.

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