These are the 6 Mistakes of Men in Marriage

In marriage, keeping a good relationship can not be done by one person alone. Men and women have the same responsibility for the home ark to run harmoniously.

However, men often make mistakes that lead to disharmony in the family.

Here are some of the mistakes men often make in marriage:

1. Not showing empathy

Psychologist Albert Maslow, PhD, said empathy is the most important part of fostering relationships. "Women want their feelings to be understood and validated," says Maslow. Instead of listening, many men tend to solve problems without deeply understanding why a problem can occur.

"If your wife says she feels ignored, that's when she wants you to understand her feelings rather than talk about the facts," Maslow explained.

2. Consult before buying anything

According to psychologist Gloria Vanderhorst, PhD, doing big expenses without first consulting with a wife is an unnatural thing. Even this is called a fatal error after an affair.

Vanderhorst said, "Consciously or not, men often place themselves as leaders. This is a mistake. The relationship involves joint leadership. "

3. Being sexually selfish

Some men forget that his wife often needs something more to trigger his sexual arousal. Compassion makes women feel loved and needed, it's the basis for him to feel aroused. "Older men usually catch, but young men are very unaware of this," says Maslow.

Vanderhorst also revealed that women want intimate intimacy before sex, not a "warm-up" in a hurry.

4. Listening the wrong way

Listening does not mean to nod when your wife explains something that is bothering her. What your wife wants is to talk about the things that matter.

Your wife also wants you to be active. Show your interest in what he said and care about what he experienced.

5. Mind the feelings

Be open about your feelings to your wife. Even so, Maslow admits that making men open is sometimes difficult. This happens because men tend not to want to look weak.

In fact, difficulty expressing these feelings can not only harm yourself but also your relationship. Your wife may be disappointed to feel a loss of connection and emotional interaction with you.

6. Being dominant

Being a man does not mean having to take a bigger role than a woman. But unfortunately, not all men understand this. "They try to get what they want by being dominant. Women will not like this, "said Maslow.

Good relationships should be reciprocal, supportive, and caring. Not dominating each other. Therefore, avoid being overly powerful and strongest.

In order for your marriage relationship with your partner to be able to walk in harmony, change some of the habits described above. Because in the end, it can help maintain physical and mental health for both of you.

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