Habitual Snoring Often Trigger Alzheimer's?

Scientists at Harvard University found that fact that, sleep disorders such as sleep apnea can interfere with a person's quality of sleep. When this habit continued, could lose the ability kognitifnya.

Memory loss and thinking function is usually experienced by sufferers of sleep disorders, and those who have a gene called apolipoproteinε-4 (APOE-ε4) allele. Both of these conditions are associated with the emergence of Alzheimer's disease.

The researchers discovered another fact that the conditions which led to the hipoksemia in the evening, will also lead to the decline of concentration and memory deterioration. Someone who experienced hipoksemia will typically sleepy during the day due to a decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood. This condition will of course result in slowing down one's intellect.

While that sleep apnea is associated with decreased attention and speed of thought sese people. This sleep disorder characterized by the presence of heavy snoring voices and loud. Respiratory disorder sufferers is often at a standstill up to 30 times per hour overnight.

"Our studies show that respiratory disturbances during sleep, will affect the ability and speed of thought, which showed a decline in cognitive," said Susan Redline, Professor in sleep medicine from Harvard Medical School.

According to Susan, a treatment that is effective against Alzheimer's disease are still lacking. So the results of the study are expected to be able to support the handling of irregular breathing as part of a strategy to reduce the risk of dementia.

Meanwhile, according to a recent study published in the journal Neurology, snoring can affect a person's brain condition. According to the study, people with the disease tend to undergo anea sleep memory problems and signs of mild cognitive disorder early, compared to people who are not experiencing sleep disorders.

Ricardo Osorio, MD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the NYU Center for Brain Health studied 2,000 men aged 55 to 75 years old. Participants consist of a normal group in cognitive, cognitive disorders who experience groups and those suffering from Alzheimer's dementia. Every six months or follow up on cognitive status changes they have experienced.

As a result, those who reported experiencing sleep apnea or snoring, tend to experience the signs of mild cognitive impairment. In addition, they also experience memory lapses and slowed cognitive ability, about 12 years earlier than those who do not snore.

Mild cognitive impairment often precedes Alzheimer dementia. But not all people who experience this is definitely suffering from Alzheimer's. However, Osorio acknowledging eratnya snoring habit relationship with mild cognitive disorder, even after taking into account factors such as gender, education level, depression and illness.

If you have a habit of snoring, immediately consult a physician if the habit could lead to Alzheimer's. The faster Your condition is undiagnosed, then the sooner action is also given by the doctor.

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