Cloves are one of the versatile herbs that are often used in making food, drinks, and even as a mixture in making cigarettes. Behind these uses, cloves are also often used as traditional medicines. So, what are the benefits of clove for body health?
Cloves that have the Latin name Syzygium aromaticum are dried flower stalks from the Mirtaceae tree family. Since centuries ago, cloves have been used as a spice in herbs and herbal medicines. In
addition to the leaves, flowers, and fruit, clove oil is also often
used as aromatherapy and topical medicine to relieve toothache.
Benefits of Cloves for Health
In one teaspoon or about 2 grams of cloves, it contains 21 calories of energy, 1 gram of fiber, and 1 gram of carbohydrate. Cloves also contain other nutrients such as potassium, manganese, calcium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, folate, antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K. So it's not surprising, these various nutrients support the benefits of clove for health. Various uses of cloves in the world of health, including:
Reduces toothache
Clove oil is believed to be able to deal with pain due to toothache. This is because the eugenol compounds contained in cloves can reduce pain in the teeth and gums. Cloves also appear to have antioxidant, anticancer and antifungal effects. Some studies reveal that eugenol compounds effectively relieve pain, inflammation, and infection. However, there is not enough evidence to support the effectiveness of the benefits of clove in relieving toothache.
Helps treat stomach ulcersGastric ulcers often occur due to thinning of gastric mucus or increased stomach acid which is influenced by various factors, such as stress and infection. Eating cloves when experiencing gastric ulcers is thought to be able to help treat the condition. According to one study, essential oils from cloves can increase the production of gastric mucus. The gastric mucus itself functions as a stomach acid barrier and prevents injury to the stomach wall due to stomach acid. However, the effectiveness of cloves as herbal medicines to treat digestive disorders, such as gastric ulcers, still needs further investigation.
Inhibits bacterial growth
Cloves have antibacterial properties that can stop the growth of infectious bacteria. According to one study, essential oils from cloves effectively kill E. coli bacteria which can cause diarrhea. Not only that, cloves also help maintain oral health and stop the growth of various types of bacteria in the mouth. The antibacterial effects in cloves can also inhibit the growth of germs in the skin that cause acne.
Prevent premature ejaculation
Clove oil is also thought to be able to prevent premature ejaculation. According to research, applying cream containing clove flowers that has been mixed with other ingredients such as ginseng to the skin of the penis, can prevent premature ejaculation. The result is quite effective.
Maintain liver health
The content of eugenol compounds in cloves is believed to help improve the health of the liver. A laboratory study revealed that the content of eugenol in cloves can improve liver function and reduce inflammation. The benefits of clove containing eugenol are believed to be able to help prevent cirrhosis. But in fact, research on the benefits of cloves on liver health is still very minimal in clinical terms in humans, so further research is needed to strengthen this statement.
Maintaining bone health
Bone loss can cause osteoporosis. A study reported that eugenol compounds in cloves were able to maintain and increase bone density. In addition, it is believed that the manganese content in cloves can help with bone formation. Even so, the benefits of cloves to maintain bone health are still not clinically proven.
Has a pain reliever effect
The benefits of clove have traditionally been proven to relieve toothache and pain due to inflammation. Animal studies show that the content of chemical compounds in cloves can have an anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, and prevent damage to nerve cells. However, clinical studies are still needed in humans to ensure the benefits of this one clove.
Before being used as an herbal medicine, keep in mind that cloves also have side effects, which include allergic reactions, skin and gum irritation, liver disorders, and inhibition of blood thinning drugs. Cloves as herbal medicines should also not be given to children, pregnant or lactating mothers, and people who have liver disorders.
Although cloves have long been believed to be herbal medicines capable of curing various diseases, there is not enough clinical evidence to support the allegations related to the benefits of cloves. If you still want to get the benefits of cloves, always consult with your doctor first to prevent possible side effects.
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