4 Your Body Signs Are Less Fiber

Meet the needs of everyday fiber is the first step to maintain health for the body remains prime. This is because lack of fiber is the origin of various dangerous diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Indeed, lack of fiber does not necessarily cause the dangerous disease. However, if this condition continues, the dangerous disease will not hesitate to perch on your body.

Well, before that happens, you should know the condition of the body that is less fiber as below:


The first lack of fiber marks is constipation. This is a condition in which you defecate less than three times a week.

Often hungry

The fibers fill the stomach and slowly digested, thus providing a longer satiety sensation. If you often feel hungry, your body is in a state of lack of fiber.

Weight increases

As explained above, fiber makes you feel full longer. Therefore, when your body lacks fiber, you will look for the nearest snack to just prop the hungry stomach. If this habit continues, your weight will continue to increase.

Blood sugar levels are unstable

Fiber can inhibit the absorption of sugar, thus helping to maintain stable blood sugar levels in the body. Thus, if the body is constantly in a state of lack of fiber, it is not impossible that diabetes will occur later.

Although very good for health, fiber should not be consumed excessively. You are advised to consume fiber at least 30 grams per day. Fiber can be found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and wheat.

If you have a solid enough activity, do not really like high-fiber foods, or not sure fiber needs are met, you can consume fiber supplements that are very easy to find on the market. This 'supplement' you can mix directly on food, and make food taste more delicious and creamy.

Let's pay attention to the adequacy of body fiber everyday. In this way, you do not have to worry about the dangers that will occur due to less fiber body. Greetings healthy!

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