5 Benefits of Coconut Oil for Hair

Coconut oil is an oil produced from coconuts. This oil is relatively unique because it has hydration and antibacterial properties. In addition, the coconut oil structure allows it to penetrate the hair in ways that other oils can not.

Here are some benefits you can get when treating hair with coconut oil.

Strengthens and improves hair

Coconut oil works better than mineral oil when it penetrates the hair follicles and makes hair stronger. A study found that hair treated with coconut oil for 16 weeks experienced little environmental damage.

Moisturizes hair and scalp

Coconut fruit has a lot of water content. When this fruit is processed into oil, it retains its ability to hydrate. This moisturizing properties come along when coconut oil is applied to the hair follicles. Therefore, coconut oil is an amazing moisturizer for dry skin.

Reduces dandruff

Coconut oil is believed to overcome almost any cause of dandruff. In addition, coconut oil can also kill harmful bacteria that try to live on the scalp.

Overcoming skin irritation

Antibacterial properties in coconut oil are able to fight the irritation that may occur on your skin. Coconut oil can protect your skin from Candida and Staphylococcus bacteria, which can grow and turn into infections. This certainly makes them reluctant to colonize on your scalp.

Makes hair grow faster

There is actually no research that shows the direct effect of coconut oil on hair growth. However, according to a study in Japan, massaging the hair using coconut oil can make the blood flow to your head. This then stimulates the hair follicle so that the hair grows thicker.

Basically, coconut oil is very well used to cope with dry hair. However, if you have problems with hair loss and require hair fertilization, it is better to consult your doctor for proper treatment.

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