5 Facts About Antibiotics You Need To Know

Since found in 1928 by Scottish scientist, Alexander Fleming, the use of antibiotics began worldwide. This drug is indeed a breakthrough for the medical world, because it is very effective in overcoming many diseases.

But make no mistake. Although it provides great benefits, it turns out that antibiotics should not be used carelessly. Well, to avoid getting caught up in this drug dilemma, here are 5 facts about antibiotics you need to know:

Antibiotics are not for all illnesses

Antibiotics work only to treat bacterial infections. This means taking antibiotics in viral infections will not cure the disease or make you heal faster.

The inappropriate consumption of antibiotics can bring new problems

Incorrect use of antibiotics - unsuitable indication, dosage, or excessive consumption - can lead to new problems, namely resistance.

Resistance is when the bacteria can adapt, so that eventually the bacteria will be immune to the drug given.

Not all antibiotics are the same

Antibiotics that doctors give to overcome strep throat is not necessarily effective for treating urinary tract infections. In other words, the use of antibiotics can not be generalized to all types of diseases.

Old antibiotics may not be used again

If you have been exposed to a respiratory infection and recovered by taking 1 type of antibiotic, then you experience the disease again, not necessarily antibiotics previously consumed will provide the same benefits.

Different antibiotic dose per person

If at some point your first and youngest siblings suffer from the same illness, then the dose of antibiotics your doctor gives to your firstborn is not necessarily what your youngest child needs. This is because drug doses in children need to consider all aspects, including weight.

Anyone taking antibiotics without doctor supervision will only increase the risk of side effects and drug resistance. Therefore, you need to be wiser in choosing the type of drug consumed. Do not let the drug actually makes you fall into new problems.

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