Fermented Food Consumption Benefits for Health

Fermentation is a process that involves the breakdown of sugar by bacteria and yeast. Through the process in addition can help improve food preservation, also increase the number of good bacteria in the intestine.

Some types of fermented foods and beverages are much-loved tempe, yoghurt to kimchi. A number of benefits from eating fermented foods and beverages that are good for the health of the body include:

1. Stimulates the growth of good bacteria

Eating fermented foods and drinks will benefit your digestive system. Probiotics have been shown to maintain intestinal health, aids digestion, and boosts immunity. Because the imbalance of bacteria in the intestine can cause lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, fungal infections, allergies, even asthma.

2. Absorb food nutrients better

Fermented foods can maintain proper balance of bacteria in the gut and make digestive enzymes absorb more nutrients from the foods you eat. Blending it with a healthy diet will absorb more nutrients from the food you consume.

3. Remove toxins in the body

Fermented foods and beverages are a good source of nutrients to aid in the detoxification process. The content of acids and bacteria in fermented food is powerful to melt various types of toxins and heavy metals in the body such as mercury and aluminum.

4. Supports immunity

Some experts consider the intestine as an organ that affects the immune system throughout the body. Chronic inflammation associated with diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes can be started from bacteria in the intestines.

5. Against prostate cancer and hypertension

Fermented foods are rich in vitamin K2. A number of studies show that increased intake of vitamin K2 may reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

In addition, according to a study published in the journal Current Opinion on Lipidology in 2006 revealed that milk has passed through the fermentation stage can lower high blood pressure in people with hypertension.

Eating some foods and drinks that have passed through the fermentation process was good for the health of the body. Nevertheless, keep the amount of attention or measure consumed every day. Good luck.

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