Why Antibiotic Medication Should Be Spent?

No one wants to hurt. But sometimes, when the body's immune decreases, viruses and bacteria will more easily attack the body. Therefore, you definitely need a drug to remove viruses and bacteria from the body. For that, any given treatment should be in accordance with the symptoms and causes. Giving antibiotics is one of the solutions.

For the people of Indonesia antibiotic drug is not something foreign anymore. An antibiotic drug is often used as a drug that must be consumed when there is disease in the body. Freedom to buy antibiotics in pharmacies spread across Indonesia makes this drug easy to obtain. This can actually harm your health.

Antibiotic drugs can indeed save human lives because it has the function of killing bacteria in the body. Normally, antibiotics will be given when doctors suspect the cause of the disease is viruses and bacteria.

If the cause of the virus, then the doctor will not give antibiotics as therapy. Because the disease caused by the virus will heal by itself when the immune system goes well.

Antibiotics itself has several side effects that are often experienced by users. The most common occurrence is diarrhea, itching to the most dangerous effect is antibiotic resistance, especially if its use is not in accordance with the instructions given by the doctor.

Antibiotic resistance itself is a condition in which microorganisms that are supposed to be sensitive to antibiotics become resistant to these antibiotics. When this happens, the antibiotic function to kill or stop the growth of viruses and bacteria becomes useless.

Then, when the antibiotic resistance happen?

When the use of antibiotics does not fit the function

Antibiotics are actually only used to kill or stop the growth of viruses and bacteria in the body. But ordinary people often generalize the use of antibiotics to treat all diseases. Eventually, the bacteria will be immune to the type of antibiotic given.

If antibiotics are not consumed according to the doctor's instructions

Antibiotics given by prescription must be the number and the way is in accordance with the rules. Antibiotics should be given in a certain amount and within a certain time also for maximum benefit.

But for users who are "naughty", the way the consumption and doses of antibiotics given are usually not appropriate. They will usually stop taking the drug when symptoms or complaints are not felt anymore. Yet when the symptoms do not appear does not mean the bacteria in the body is dead. It could be that the bacteria were inactive due to antibiotics.

So, consume antibiotic drugs according to the rules to minimize the side effects that exist. Spend antibiotics even though the symptoms no longer arise. Do not save the rest of the medication for subsequent consumption, because other diseases that appear not necessarily treated with the same drug.

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