Maximize the Benefits of Yoga for Body and Soul Health

Yoga has recently become one of the most popular sports. If previously yoga was more commonly known as a meditation sport, yoga is now believed to be able to burn calories until it is considered good for preventing heart disease, joint pain, and fighting stress.

Yoga is actually a sport of body and mind. The benefits of yoga not only help the body become fresher and fit, but can also help control stress and reduce feelings of irritability. Yoga has various types and movements. For those of you who are just trying yoga, maybe you will be a little confused about what type of yoga suits you.

All types of yoga can basically help you become more relaxed, eliminate body tension, and calm the mind. In order to get the desired results, you must choose the type of yoga that matches the purpose of doing yoga and your personal preferences. Maybe you can make yoga hatha, iyengar, and kripalu as a start, because this type of yoga has a light movement.

Benefits of Yoga
Before you decide to do yoga, of course there is nothing wrong to know in advance what are the benefits of yoga.

Reduce stress
Almost all types of exercise can help a person prevent and overcome depression, as well as yoga. Some studies show that yoga can reduce anxiety, stress, and improve one's mood and physical and psychological well-being. In fact, the benefits of yoga can also be felt in someone who has an anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, and sleep disorders.

Improve fitnessNot only can it reduce stress, other benefits of yoga for your body are able to make the body become more fit, improve body posture, and increase body strength, range of motion, and body flexibility.

Helps overcome health problems 

If you have a risk of chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure or heart disease, yoga can be a suitable sport. Yoga can help reduce the risk of heart disease, improve heart health, and improve overall quality of life. However, the link between the benefits of yoga and heart health still has to be investigated further. Yoga is also believed to relieve symptoms of pain, migraines, and help overcome insomnia.

Back pain

 For those of you who experience back pain, yoga can also be the right choice of exercise. In fact, even if you experience chronic back pain. This is because the body's stretching movements in yoga can help you flex your body.

Relieve the effects after getting drunk 

You may not have thought about yoga before, after a night of drinking alcoholic beverages to get drunk. But make no mistake, it turns out doing yoga can help relieve the effects of the hangover in the morning. Some yoga movements, such as "plow", or "shoulder stand" can improve the metabolic system and help maintain body balance.

Reducing asthma problems 

Relapsing asthma can be very annoying and quite torturous. To overcome this, try to do yoga regularly. A study conducted in people with mild to moderate asthma, shows that some yoga-related breathing movements, such as Pranayama, can help relieve asthma symptoms. However, the benefits of yoga to deal with asthma are considered clinically insignificant, when compared to the effectiveness of conventional asthma treatments. 

In addition to some of the benefits of yoga above, the main benefit that is certainly sought after by many people is the burning of fat in the body. To get this benefit, do Ashtanga yoga, power yoga, or hot yoga, combined with walking, running or other aerobic exercise.

Do yoga regularly for the health of body and soul. Yoga can not only be useful for peace of mind, but can also help improve your health and fitness.

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