Don't Worry Mother, Sore Throat in Babies Can Be Treated This Way

Sore throat in infants can make it easy to cry and do not want to suckle or eat. To ease the pain, there are some simple ways you can do at home.

Sore throat in infants can cause pain and discomfort in the throat when he swallows, so the baby is lazy to eat and drink milk.

Generally, a sore throat is caused by a virus, such as the flu, and can heal by itself in less than 10 days. However, sometimes a sore throat can also be caused by bacteria and needs to be treated with antibiotics from a doctor.

How to deal with a sore throat in infants
To relieve the pain that your child feels due to a sore throat, there are several things you can do at home, namely:

1. Inadequate intake of fluid Little
When experiencing a sore throat, babies usually become reluctant to drink because the throat is uncomfortable. Therefore, Mother must ensure that your child gets enough fluid intake to avoid dehydration.

If your child is under 6 months old, give him ASI or formula milk as often as possible. If you are over 6 months old, you can give your baby water. To make your throat comfortable, you can give warm drinks, but don't overheat.

Giving honey is believed to relieve sore throats. However, honey is not recommended for babies under 1 year because of the risk of causing botulism.

2. Use a humidifier in the room
Dry air can make the skin, nose and throat dry. This will make the sore throat become more uncomfortable. So that the air in your little room stays moist, you can use a humidifier or humidifier, especially if your baby's room uses AC.

The use of air humidifiers is believed to be able to relieve sore throats and speed healing. However, be sure to always maintain the cleanliness of this tool, Mother.

3. Pay attention to food consumed by your child
A sore throat will usually refuse to drink milk or eat. In fact, when you are sick, the baby actually needs more nutrients to recover quickly.

So, try to keep your little one getting the nutrients he needs. When your child is already eating solid foods, give warm foods that are soft-textured, such as porridge, to make it easier to swallow and comfortable in the throat. Avoid giving sour and spicy or spicy foods.

4. Give extra attention
Try Mother is always there for your child when he is sick. If necessary, hold him often so that he feels comfortable and can rest. Being near you and hearing your voice can make your child calmer.

There are many ways you can do to relieve sore throat in infants. Even so, Mother still needs to see your child to the doctor, because it could be the cause is a bacterium that can cause severe complications, such as breathing difficulties.

Take your child to the doctor immediately if he has a fever or does not want to drink at all. If not treated quickly, this condition can cause your child to become dehydrated which can also cause dangerous complications.

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