Some mothers may feel worried when they have to breastfeed their babies when they are not feeling well, because they think their breast milk can contain disease and can infect the baby. Actually, is it okay to breastfeed when you are sick?
There are some special conditions that make a mother prohibited from breastfeeding, for example if the child has galactosemia or if the mother has HIV infection, is infected with the Ebola virus, or has the herpes simplex virus in the breast area.
The Importance of Breastfeeding When You Are Sick
A mother who is sick can still breastfeed her baby, but if she is not experiencing the conditions mentioned above.
Breast milk is full of all the nutrients a baby needs. Not only that, breast milk also contains antibodies that can protect babies from viruses and bacteria, especially in the early days of birth.
In addition, from birth to 6 months of age, your little one only needs breast milk from breastfeeding mothers, without any additional food or drink. Therefore, breastfeeding must be continued even though breastfeeding mothers's condition is not at its prime.
Illnesses such as flu, cough, diarrhea, fever, sore throat, or urinary tract infection are not obstacles to continue breastfeeding your baby. Don't be afraid that the breast milk that breastfeeding mothers has will contain germs or viruses. Breastmilk is still safe to give to the baby even though they are suffering from these diseases.
In fact, when breastfeeding mothers is sick, breastfeeding mothers's body will automatically form antibodies against the diseases that breastfeeding mothers is experiencing. These antibodies will flow into breast milk, and when your little one breastfeeds, he will be protected from the disease that is natural.
If what breastfeeding mothers is worried about is the effect of the medicine that breastfeeding mothers is taking due to illness, take it easy. Just tell the doctor that breastfeeding mothers is currently breastfeeding. That way, the doctor will provide the safest drug for breastfeeding mothers and babies, and do not affect the quality of breast milk.
In the midst of a pandemic like this, as long as conditions allow, breastfeeding mothers with COVID-19 do not need to worry about breastfeeding their babies. There is no evidence that the Corona virus can be transmitted through breast milk.
In addition, the benefits of continuing to breastfeed a baby are far greater than the risk of Corona virus infection while breastfeeding. However, of course breastfeeding must be done while still implementing health protocols related to COVID-19.
Tips for Safe Breastfeeding When You Are Sick
Although it is still recommended, there are some safety tips that breastfeeding mothers who are sick need to pay attention to, including:
- Always wash your hands with soap and running water before breastfeeding or handling a baby.
- If there are symptoms of coughing or sneezing, apply the ethics of coughing and sneezing so as not to spread the disease to the baby.
- Limit physical contact with babies, such as not kissing them, and not touching the baby's eyes, nose or mouth before washing their hands.
- Use a mask when going near the baby.
- Don't forget to clean the breast area with soap and water before breastfeeding the baby.
- Do not share utensils, towels, or blankets with the baby when he is sick.
Now, there is no longer any reason for breastfeeding mothers to stop breastfeeding their babies when they are sick. In addition to applying the tips above, in order to recover quickly, nursing mothers also need to get plenty of rest, eat nutritious foods, and drink lots of water.
However, if the breastfeeding mother's condition is so weak that she is unable to breastfeed your little one, it is better for breastfeeding mothers to delay breastfeeding directly. Breastfeeding mothers can give breast milk and consult a doctor to get the right treatment.
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